Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Mexico News

Well, it is hard for me to explain the beauty I have felt spending time in New Mexico. Life is so surprising and the most exciting thing you will ever find is that family and the love you experience with them is like nothing else. My grandmother died while I was here. And that is so weird, because my other grandmother, her sister, died the last time I was here. That is the last of my elders that are gone and in my culture that means it's time for me to step up. I guess it's perfect timing that I got my teaching credential, right! Well, the interesting thing is that I was planning on staying in the Bay Area for the summer, but when I got back from New Mexico my job out here was gone. Then, a job working at a home for Native American children who were needing help opened up in New Mexico. So, I'm moving out there for the summer. I guess this is what God wanted for me. I'm so happy to be where I am right now. I hope all of you in room 16 now how much you changed my life. I couldn't have become the person I am today without you! I love all of you and think of you often!