Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hey! Just wanted to wish you all luck in your new classrooms. I hope school is going well. I just wanted to send you some pictures from last years class. Even though this is a new class I'm sure by the end of the year you sill feel just as close as we did. I hope you all have fun in the 5th grade. I just got a job as the assistant casting director for Russell Crow's new movie! Isn't that great! I'll let you know how it goes. This is something I never imagined would happen to me. I have always wanted to be in the mivie business! Anyway, hope all is well at Searles school!

Monday, August 28, 2006

So finally I've got some pictures up of my family and of New Mexico. Now that I know how I will add many. The first one id of my brother Austin. The next picture is one I took on the drive out here. The rocks out here are so great. And the last picture is at my sister Hope's birthday party. She is sooo cute isn't she. Anyway there are many mre to come. Oh, and I just booked my flight to India. I will be leaving on October 25th! Isn't that exciting! I can't wait. Life in New Mexico has been beautiful and I do love being with my family,but I have always lived in the Bay Area, so this is a huge change. It's sometimes great but sometimes hard. I miss you all in room 16. Hope you all are ready for school to start!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I love Taos

Well I am having the best time in Taos. It is so beautiful here. I've been riding my bike around town and everywhere I look is like a picture. I also just started playing the piano again. Anna I thought of you today when I was practicing so keep it up! It's the best feeling to be able to make your own music, no matter what that music might be. Right now I am learning a song called Blue by Joni Mitchell. I've been reading this summer too! YOu guys should read the book A Wrinkle in Time if you can. It's one of the greatest books I've read, and I think I read it in the fifth grade. Oh and you should go see the movie Monster House if you can. It is really funny, and a little scary, but not really. Anyway hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy. Only 3 more weeks until school starts so go play outside in the sunshine as much as you can. I love you all!